Gets the full list of lots and their statuses for all actively selling Toll Brothers communities.


Frequency (UTC) Tolerance Earliest Collection Date Source
30 8 * * *

Data Dictionary

Column Name Description Type Mode
city City - The city the community is located in string REQUIRED
comingSoonQMICount Coming soon Quick Move In count - The number of quick move in locations coming soon number NULLABLE
communityID Community ID - The internal ID used by Toll Brothers for identifying this community number REQUIRED
county County - The county the community is located in string REQUIRED
isComingSoon Is coming soon - Whether or not the community is coming soon boolean NULLABLE
isComingSoonQMI Is coming soon Quick Move In - Unsure exactly what this is but likely a composite identifier for when a quick move in location is coming soon boolean NULLABLE
isDecorated Is decorated - Whether or not the community has a decorated model boolean NULLABLE
isFeatured Is featured - Whether or not the lot is featured boolean NULLABLE
isFuture Is future - Possibly referring to if the community does not yet exits boolean NULLABLE
isPlannedLot Is planned lot - Whether or not the lot is planned (i.e. not yet built) boolean NULLABLE
lat Latitude - The latitude of the community number REQUIRED
long Longitude - The longitude of the community number REQUIRED
lotDescription Lot description - A description of the log string NULLABLE
lotNum Lot number - unique identifier for a lot string REQUIRED
lotStatus Lot status - available, sold, reserved, etc. string REQUIRED
lotType Lot type - single family, townhome, etc. string NULLABLE
maxBath Max bath - The maximum number of bathrooms in a home in the community number NULLABLE
maxBed Max bed - The maximum number of bedrooms in a home in the community number NULLABLE
maxGarage Max garage - The maximum number of garages in a home in the community number NULLABLE
maxHalfBath Max half bath - The maximum number of half bathrooms in a home in the community number NULLABLE
maxSqft Max sqft - The maximum square footage of a home in the community number NULLABLE
metroID Metro ID - The internal ID used by Toll Brothers for identifying this metro number NULLABLE
metroName Metro name - The name of the metro the community is located in string NULLABLE
minBath Min bath - The minimum number of bathrooms in a home in the community number NULLABLE
minBed Min bed - The minimum number of bedrooms in a home in the community number NULLABLE
minGarage Min garage - The minimum number of garages in a home in the community number NULLABLE
minHalfBath Min half bath - The minimum number of half bathrooms in a home in the community number NULLABLE
minSqft Min sqft - The minimum square footage of a home in the community number NULLABLE
name Name - The name of the community string REQUIRED
prePlannedCount Pre planned count - The number of pre planned homes in the community number NULLABLE
priceMax Price max - The maximum price of a home in the community number REQUIRED
priceMin Price min - The minimum price of a home in the community number REQUIRED
schoolDistrict School district - The school district the community is located in string REQUIRED
url URL - The URL of the community string REQUIRED
zipcode Zipcode - The zipcode the community is located in string NULLABLE
dateCollected The date that the data was snapshotted. This is not necessarily the date in which the data was collected, i.e. this could be from archive. timestamp REQUIRED
dateRepresented The date that the data in this row represents. This is not necessarily the date the data was collected. timestamp REQUIRED
attemptID The attemptID of the task that produced this row string REQUIRED
invocationID Also known as run ID. The invocationID is associated with a write to BQ. This corresponds to the id of a successful run_feed message string REQUIRED
taskID The unique identifier of the task that produced this row. Can be from a chain or write task. string REQUIRED


Additional Fields

Column Name Description Type Mode Sample
isSalted Is salted - Unclear what this is but at the lot granularity boolean NULLABLE
jdeNum JDE number - Not sure what this is but likely an identifier for some community lot string NULLABLE
topolotID Topolot ID - Not sure what this is but likely an identifier for some community lot string NULLABLE
resNum Res number - Not sure what this is but likely an identifier for some community lot string NULLABLE