Gets internet revenue report infromation from the New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement
Frequency (UTC) | Source | Dataset ID |
4 4 20 * * | government |
The feed will be validated against the following policies:
See the Validation Policy for information about policies.
Column Name | Description | Type | Mode |
year | Year of the report. Earliest is 2016. | number | REQUIRED |
month | Month of the report. One of January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December | string | REQUIRED |
dateSigned | The date value in the form DGE-105 signature block | Date | REQUIRED |
websitesReportingMonthlyInternetRevenue | The websites that reported monthly internet revenue. These may be .com websites, but not necessarily. | string | REPEATED |
name | The name of the entity that filed the form DGE-105. | string | REQUIRED |
peerToPeerGamesWinnings | Gross winnings in Peer-to-Peer Games. (line 1 of form DGE-105) | number | NULLABLE |
otherAuthorizedGamesWinnings | Gross winnings in Other Authorized Games. (line 2 of form DGE-105) | number | NULLABLE |
totalWinning | Total gross winnings, line 1 + line 2 with some rounding. (line 3 of form DGE-105) | number | REQUIRED |
YTDPeerToPeerGamesWinnings | Year-to-Date Peer-to-Peer Games Win. (line 4 of form DGE-105) | number | NULLABLE |
YTDOtherAuthorizedGamesWinnings | Year-to-Date Other Authorized Games Win. (line 1 of form DGE-105) | number | NULLABLE |
YTDTotalInternetGamingWinnings | Year-to-Date Total Internet Gaming Win. (line 6 of form DGE-105) | number | REQUIRED |
adjustments | Adjustments to winnings. (line 7 of form DGE-105) | number | NULLABLE |
YTDInternetGamingGrossRevenue | Year-To-Date Internet Gaming Gross Revenue. (line 8 of form DGE-105) | number | REQUIRED |
YTD15PercentTaxOnInternetGamingGrossRevenue | Year-To-Date 15% Tax on Internet Gaming Gross Revenue. (line 9 of form DGE-105) | number | REQUIRED |
YTD15PercentTaxLessTotalTaxPaidYTD | YTD tax less total tax paid in prior months. (line 10 of form DGE-105) | number | NULLABLE |
totalTaxRequiredForThisMonth | Total Tax Required for this Month (line 9 less line 10). (line 11 of form DGE-105) | number | REQUIRED |
promotionalGamingCreditsWageredThisMonth | Promotional Gaming Credits Wagered for the Month - Internet. (line 12 of form DGE-105) | number | NULLABLE |