
Gets internet revenue report infromation from the New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement


Frequency (UTC) Source Dataset ID
4 4 20 * * government

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Data Dictionary

Column Name Description Type Mode
year Year of the report. Earliest is 2016. number REQUIRED
month Month of the report. One of January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December string REQUIRED
dateSigned The date value in the form DGE-105 signature block Date REQUIRED
websitesReportingMonthlyInternetRevenue The websites that reported monthly internet revenue. These may be .com websites, but not necessarily. string REPEATED
name The name of the entity that filed the form DGE-105. string REQUIRED
peerToPeerGamesWinnings Gross winnings in Peer-to-Peer Games. (line 1 of form DGE-105) number NULLABLE
otherAuthorizedGamesWinnings Gross winnings in Other Authorized Games. (line 2 of form DGE-105) number NULLABLE
totalWinning Total gross winnings, line 1 + line 2 with some rounding. (line 3 of form DGE-105) number REQUIRED
YTDPeerToPeerGamesWinnings Year-to-Date Peer-to-Peer Games Win. (line 4 of form DGE-105) number NULLABLE
YTDOtherAuthorizedGamesWinnings Year-to-Date Other Authorized Games Win. (line 1 of form DGE-105) number NULLABLE
YTDTotalInternetGamingWinnings Year-to-Date Total Internet Gaming Win. (line 6 of form DGE-105) number REQUIRED
adjustments Adjustments to winnings. (line 7 of form DGE-105) number NULLABLE
YTDInternetGamingGrossRevenue Year-To-Date Internet Gaming Gross Revenue. (line 8 of form DGE-105) number REQUIRED
YTD15PercentTaxOnInternetGamingGrossRevenue Year-To-Date 15% Tax on Internet Gaming Gross Revenue. (line 9 of form DGE-105) number REQUIRED
YTD15PercentTaxLessTotalTaxPaidYTD YTD tax less total tax paid in prior months. (line 10 of form DGE-105) number NULLABLE
totalTaxRequiredForThisMonth Total Tax Required for this Month (line 9 less line 10). (line 11 of form DGE-105) number REQUIRED
promotionalGamingCreditsWageredThisMonth Promotional Gaming Credits Wagered for the Month - Internet. (line 12 of form DGE-105) number NULLABLE
