
Job postings from microsoft


Frequency (UTC) Source Dataset ID
0 15 * * 3 job_postings

Dependency Policy

Data Dictionary

Column Name Description Type Mode
discipline Job category string REQUIRED
educationLevel Required Education level string NULLABLE
employmentType Full-time, part-time, etc. string REQUIRED
jobID Unique ID for the job string REQUIRED
jobType Job type ex. "Industry" string REQUIRED
locations Location of job string REQUIRED
postingDate Date the job was posted Date REQUIRED
primaryLocation Primary location of job. Usually same as locations. string REQUIRED
profession Job category. Usually same as discipline. string REQUIRED
roleType Role type ex. "Individual Contributor" string REQUIRED
title Job title string REQUIRED
workSiteFlexibility Work site flexibility ex. "Microsoft on-site only" string REQUIRED
payRangeStart Minimum pay. Usually undefined outside US. number NULLABLE
payRangeEnd Maximum pay. Usually undefined outside US. number NULLABLE
payCurrency Currency of pay. Usually undefined outside US. string NULLABLE
alternatePayRangeStart Alternate minimum pay (usueally for CA and NY) number NULLABLE
alternatePayRangeEnd Alternate maximum pay (usueally for CA and NY) number NULLABLE
alternatePayCurrency Alternate currency of pay (usueally for CA and NY) string NULLABLE