
Flight data of top 10 most popular flight paths from google flights


Frequency (UTC) Source Dataset ID Cron
At 07:00 AM travel 0 7 * * *

Dependency Policy

Data Dictionary

Column Name Description Type Mode
route Route; e.g. LAX-SFO string REQUIRED
price Price of ticket number REQUIRED
airline Airline string REQUIRED
fareType Fare type - has to be economy, premium-economy, business, or first string REQUIRED
scrapeDate Date of scraping string REQUIRED
flightDate Date of flight string REQUIRED
stops Number of stops - 0 stops for direct flights number REQUIRED
duration Duration of flight string REQUIRED
isInTop3 Is this one of the top 3 recommended flights boolean REQUIRED
isBest Is this one of the best flights according to Google (can have more than 3 flights under this section) boolean REQUIRED
