Gets locations for Dutch Bros Coffee
Frequency (UTC) | Source | Dataset ID |
0 12 * * 2 | store_locations |
The feed will be validated against the following policies:
See the Validation Policy for information about policies.
Column Name | Description | Type | Mode |
newCoID | A unique identifier for dutch bros locations. One of two internal IDs used by Dutch Bros, storeNumber is the other. | string | REQUIRED |
storeNumber | A unique identifier for dutch bros locations. One of two internal IDs used by Dutch Bros, newCoID is the other. | string | NULLABLE |
storeName | The name of the store | string | REQUIRED |
addressLine1 | The first line of the store's address | string | REQUIRED |
addressLine2 | The second line of the store's address | string | REQUIRED |
city | The city where the store is located | string | REQUIRED |
state | The state where the store is located | string | REQUIRED |
isHiring | Whether the store is hiring | boolean | REQUIRED |
openingDate | The date when the store opened/opens | Date | NULLABLE |
zipCode | The postal code of the store (zip code) | string | NULLABLE |