
Job postings for Coca-Cola


Frequency (UTC) Source Dataset ID
0 10 * * 5 job_postings

Dependency Policy

Data Dictionary

Column Name Description Type Mode
additionalCity Additional city of job string NULLABLE
additionalState Additional state of job string NULLABLE
additionalZip Additional zip of job string NULLABLE
additionalCountry Additional country of job string NULLABLE
additionalAddress Additional address of job string NULLABLE
additionalLocationLat Latitude of additional location number NULLABLE
additionalLocationLng Longitude of additional location number NULLABLE
brand Brand of job string NULLABLE
businessUnit Business unit of job Date REQUIRED
clientID Client ID of job string REQUIRED
closeDate Close date of job Date NULLABLE
companyName Company name of job string REQUIRED
department Department of job string NULLABLE
education Education required for job string REQUIRED
employmentType Employment type of job string REQUIRED
entityStatus Entity status of job string REQUIRED
function Function of the role string REQUIRED
hidden Whether the job is hidden string REQUIRED
importance Importance of job (might determine its ranking) number REQUIRED
industry Industry of job string REQUIRED
isChildJob Whether the job is a child job string REQUIRED
isInternal Whether the job is internal string NULLABLE
jobID Unique identifier for the job number REQUIRED
jobType Type of job string REQUIRED
level Level of job string REQUIRED
locationType Location type of job string NULLABLE
openDate Open date of job Date REQUIRED
openPositions Open positions of job string NULLABLE
parentCategory Parent category of job string NULLABLE
primaryAddress Primary address of job string NULLABLE
primaryCategory Primary category of job string NULLABLE
primaryCity Primary city of job string REQUIRED
primaryCountry Primary country of job string REQUIRED
primaryLocationLat Latitude of primary location number REQUIRED
primaryLocationLng Longitude of primary location number REQUIRED
primaryState Primary state of job string NULLABLE
primaryZip Primary zip of job string NULLABLE
recruiter Recruiter in charge of job string NULLABLE
ref Reference of job string REQUIRED
relocation Whether the job offers relocation string NULLABLE
salary Salary of job string NULLABLE
schedule Schedule of job string NULLABLE
shift Shift of job string NULLABLE
storeID Store ID of job string NULLABLE
subCategory Sub category of job (a numeric value) - DEPRECATED , use subCategoryNumber (this was incorrectly typed) number NULLABLE
subCategoryNumber Sub category of job (a numeric value) string NULLABLE
title Title of job string REQUIRED
travel Travel required for job string NULLABLE
updateDate Date the job was last updated Date REQUIRED
url URL of job string REQUIRED
yearsExperience Years of experience required for job string NULLABLE