
Gets vehicle information from AutoNation


Frequency (UTC) Source Dataset ID
0 2 * * * autonation.com auto

Dependency Policy

Validation Policy

The feed will be validated against the following policies:

See the Validation Policy for information about policies.

Data Dictionary

Column Name Description Type Mode
accessoriesTotal Accessories Total - The total cost of accessories for the vehicle (likely, it was always 0 in our sample) number REQUIRED
availability Availability - Likely the availability of the vehicle for purchase (always null in our sample) boolean NULLABLE
bodyType Body Type - A list of possible body types for the vehicle, can be multiple or empty string REPEATED
driveType Drive Type - Description of the drive type of the vehicle, i.e. Front Wheel Drive, Rear Wheel Drive string REQUIRED
engine Engine - Description of the engine type of the vehicle string REQUIRED
exteriorColor Exterior Color - Exterior color of the vehicle string NULLABLE
exteriorGenericColor Exterior Generic Color - Exterior generic color of the vehicle string NULLABLE
externalColorRGBHex External Color RGB Hex - RGB Hex code of the exterior color of the vehicle string NULLABLE
fuelType Fuel Type - The fuel type of the vehicle, i.e. "Gasoline Fuel". Always Gasoline Fuel in our sample. string REQUIRED
hyperionId Hyperion ID - unclear to us what this is, but likely a unique ID for each vehicle in the inventory string NULLABLE
interiorColor Interior Color - Interior color of the vehicle string NULLABLE
inventoryStatus Inventory Status - Description of the inventory status of the vehicle, i.e. "S" (In Stock) or "T" (In Transit). Only ever one of those in our sample. string REQUIRED
inventoryVehicleID Inventory Vehicle ID - Unique ID for each vehicle in the inventory number REQUIRED
JDPowered JD Powered - A flag indicating whether or not the vehicle is JD Powered, always false in our sample boolean NULLABLE
latitude Latitude - Latitude of the vehicle number REQUIRED
longitude Longitude - Longitude of the vehicle number REQUIRED
make Make - Make of the vehicle string REQUIRED
mileage The mileage of the vehicle, applicable to used and CPO vehicles number REQUIRED
model Model - Model of the vehicle string REQUIRED
priceAction Price Action - An opaque number, in our sample this was always 2 number NULLABLE
pricingNames Pricing Names - Pricing info is stored as an array, likely including at least "AutoNationPrice". In our sample this was the only value ever present. string REPEATED
pricingTypes Pricing Types - The type of pricing, stored as an opaque ID. In our sample this was always 1. number REPEATED
pricingValues Pricing Values - The number corresponding to the pricing name and the pricing of the vehicle as sold by that vendor. number REPEATED
reservable Reservable - A flag indicating whether or not the vehicle is reservable boolean REQUIRED
seatingCapacity Seating Capacity - The maximum number of people the vehicle can seat number NULLABLE
segment Segment - The segment of the vehicle, i.e. "Domestic", "Lux" string REQUIRED
stockNumber Stock Number - Stock number of the vehicle string REQUIRED
stockType Stock Type - Use history of the vehicle, i.e. NEW, USED, CPO string REQUIRED
storeAddress Store Address- Address line of the store where the vehicle is located string REQUIRED
storeCity Store City - City of the store where the vehicle is located string REQUIRED
storeName Store Name - Name of the store where the vehicle is located string REQUIRED
storeState Store State - State of the store where the vehicle is located string REQUIRED
storeZipCode Store Zip Code - Zip code of the store where the vehicle is located string REQUIRED
styleName Style Name - Style name of the vehicle string REQUIRED
transmission Transmission - Description of the transmission type of the vehicle, i.e. Automatic, Manual string REQUIRED
trim Trim - Trim of the vehicle string REQUIRED
validForAn Valid For Auto Nation - Likely a flag indicating whether or not the price is valid for Auto Nation, though it is unclear what this represents. boolean NULLABLE
vehicleFeatures Vehicle Features - A list of possible features for the vehicle, can be multiple or empty. Example: "Keyless Entry", "Navigation System" string REPEATED
vehicleID Vehicle ID - Unique ID for each vehicle in the inventory number REQUIRED
vin Vehicle Identification Number string REQUIRED
year Year - Year of the vehicle number REQUIRED