
Job postings for Apple


Frequency (UTC) Source Dataset ID
0 4 * * 4 job_postings

Dependency Policy

Data Dictionary

Column Name Description Type Mode
jobNumber The job id. Usually has some letters and numbers ex: "PIPE-114438252" string REQUIRED
title Job title. ex: "AU-Senior Manager" string REQUIRED
teamName A few listings don't have a teamName. ex: "Apple Retail" string NULLABLE
city The city the job is in. Only for US jobs string REQUIRED
stateProvince The state the job is in. Only for US jobs string REQUIRED
countryName The country the job is in string REQUIRED
metro The metro area the job is in string REQUIRED
region The region the job is in string REQUIRED
locationName The name of the location the job is in. Usually same as country string REQUIRED
countryID The country code of the country the job is in. ex: "country-USA" string REQUIRED
jobWeeklyHours The number of hours the job is per week number NULLABLE
jobPostDate The date the job was posted. ex: "Nov 26, 2023" string REQUIRED
minPay The minimum pay for the job number NULLABLE
maxPay The maximum pay for the job number NULLABLE
payCurrency The currency the pay is in. ex: "USD" string NULLABLE
