Job postings for Apple
Frequency (UTC) | Source | Dataset ID |
0 4 * * 4 | job_postings |
Column Name | Description | Type | Mode |
jobNumber | The job id. Usually has some letters and numbers ex: "PIPE-114438252" | string | REQUIRED |
title | Job title. ex: "AU-Senior Manager" | string | REQUIRED |
teamName | A few listings don't have a teamName. ex: "Apple Retail" | string | NULLABLE |
city | The city the job is in. Only for US jobs | string | REQUIRED |
stateProvince | The state the job is in. Only for US jobs | string | REQUIRED |
countryName | The country the job is in | string | REQUIRED |
metro | The metro area the job is in | string | REQUIRED |
region | The region the job is in | string | REQUIRED |
locationName | The name of the location the job is in. Usually same as country | string | REQUIRED |
countryID | The country code of the country the job is in. ex: "country-USA" | string | REQUIRED |
jobWeeklyHours | The number of hours the job is per week | number | NULLABLE |
jobPostDate | The date the job was posted. ex: "Nov 26, 2023" | string | REQUIRED |
minPay | The minimum pay for the job | number | NULLABLE |
maxPay | The maximum pay for the job | number | NULLABLE |
payCurrency | The currency the pay is in. ex: "USD" | string | NULLABLE |