Data Dictionary

Column Name Description Type Mode Sample
airline Airline data was collected from string REQUIRED Delta
id Internal airline ID string REQUIRED 1476a22e-cd1e-4f23-9d00-9251bf8b295e-FL-168
departureDate Departure date Date REQUIRED 2024-10-10
seatsAvailable The number of seats available for the class number REQUIRED 12
seatClass The class of the seat (e.g. economy, business, first) string NULLABLE economy
price Price/fare for the given seat class number REQUIRED 124
flightNumber Flight number string REQUIRED B6 811
originAirportCode Departure airport code string REQUIRED JFK
destinationAirportCode Arrival airport code string REQUIRED ORD
dateCollected Date data was collected Date REQUIRED 2023-10-27 7:39am
invocationID Unique run ID for the scrape string REQUIRED 9f5a1f8d-1a9c-4cc9-b589-2b573b326a8d